I'm not sure if you have ever enjoyed the feeling of throwing a party and having fewer than three people show up, but let me tell you it is something else! Oh who cares, right? The three people who showed up are having a good time so screw the world, eh?....
Then the three people who actually did show up find a way to leave the party and you are stuck with chips and dip enough to feed an army. You don't even like chips or dip, but you thought your friends would! Oh well, time to sit on your couch and stare at the TV for a while because you can't think of anything else to do.
This is what I am feeling my life becoming. Not that I am alone or that I don't have a support network, but it's more like the aforementioned party is going on in my head and the one thought that is left at the party is the Autism one. All I keep talking about is Autism and I'm starting to get annoyed. I can't explain my thought patterns to myself anymore. I'm over those unhelpful repeating phrases. Should we do this? Or this? Or this? Can I do this? Or this? Or...
... you know what, I'll eat the damn chips and dip cause it will give me something else to think about other than this crap. I can't stop talking about Autism. I can't find anything else in my brain. It seems the whole party has died and I'm sitting there waiting for some other thought to show up! Maybe there are "thought" prostitutes I could call in to help distract. Although, I'm pretty sure they're expensive and I don't have that kind of mind money. Never mind...
... here's to thinking about other things... cheers, enjoy the stale chips and dip ;)
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