Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Oh my god.... I cannot sing that song again.  But like every good mother I do through gritted teeth and a smile.  Thankfully my son doesn't notice and will take it happily.  I don't know what the song actually is so singing it is rather interesting.  My son doesn't sing all the words so that explains my confusion.  Of course I can kind of guess what the song is.

It counts numbers and with each number has a rhyming phrase.  It sounds cute (8, 8 we're on a date- woo hoo!) and part of me wonders what all the rhyming is.  You could put some bad words in there between the cute rhymes.  6 rhymes with licks and fix.  9 rhymes with crime (sort of).

You could make some naughty songs with the numbers 1-10.... or it could just be adorable coming out of a three year olds mouth :)

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