We have a dog. One would assume that would cover what our relationship is with our dog but it really doesn't cover it all. We have a hyperactive, wheat allergic, constantly bored cattle dog mix. It wouldn't matter if you took her on three walks a day, this dog would want another three. But I digress....
We have a dog. She hates the vacuum. It makes her bark like mad. For some reason my children are used to her barking. It usually doesn't bother them other than when she barks right in their faces. What I find so interesting is the second the vacuum physically comes out of the closet the house seems to go ballistic.
Our dog barks. My son squeals and begs to stop having to do what he is doing (ie eating or cleaning something up). My daughter finds her way to a wall and starts to shake. I have to hold my ten month old to keep her calm. I endure the slamming of my son's door as he races away before the device is turned on. The dog continues to bark (and she isn't even in the same room!).
I finish vacuuming and what happens next makes me shake my head. My son asks very nicely to use the vacuum. Seriously? You couldn't have used it while plugged into the wall so I could have sat back and enjoyed you doing some of the work? I guess not.
And all the while.... the dog continues to bark. She won't stop until the vacuum is safely back in the closet. You know what's even scarier? She totally knows the second that happens and the house is suddenly returned to peace.
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