What is a three year old's dream? How about having huge trucks barreling up and down the street just outside of your house for about a month? Or how about being able to watch them work up close while you wait for the bus to show up?
Yes, this is happening right now in my street. My neighbors who do not have young kids are flabbergasted by all the noise and commotion. They groaned and moaned about parking on the street for a week instead of their driveways. The cars are covered in dust and everyone's grass is sporting spray painted arrows. It's miserable.
My three year old son is fixated on these trucks. He even calls them "My Trucks". "Go outside see my trucks?" It's making the whole craziness seem a bit more fun.
I park my car on the street and dodge one-man-bulldozers with groceries in my hands. Not to mention that I usually have my one year old wiggling to get free. As I finally cross the street I have to either walk into the deep muddy ditch the workers have made to put in a curb or hope my hop will get me over it without falling or hurting an ankle.
Imagine this as a three year old. Watching as huge amazing machines pass by fast, my three year old squeals with delight. He hops around but always holds my hand. We quickly run between passing machines and it's like a game! The jumps become higher and the squeals more piercing after we have made it through. We make it to the edge of the ditch. The game just gets more exciting when he discovers there is mud everywhere. Swinging his free arm as far as it will go my son will make a leap into the air... completely missing the other edge. Laughs burst from him as he tries to get me to join him in the fun. After army crawling out of the ditch he is sufficiently dirty. We stand there for another few minutes and watch as the machines pass by. When we get in the house he usually sits by the window and announces when a truck has passed.
I can't help but wonder if the workers know how much fun my son has when they drive by. I know the garbage man loves it when my son runs out of the house and waves. I just wonder if the construction workers realize they have a three year old's dream job.
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