Saturday, June 4, 2011


We were at the Children's Museum (as is our saturday ritual) and I noticed alot of pregnant women with two or three toddlers in toe.  My first thought, "Thank god it's not me."

... Is that awful?  Shouldn't I be excited for them bringing another life into this world?  I would never turn to one of these mothers with a winning smile and say "Hi, I see you're pregnant.  Enjoy the screaming baby." But I can't help but feel some glee knowing I will never have to do it again.  The birth is the fastest most painless part! (this coming from a woman who had an epidural. :P)

So I watched as my two beautiful children played side by side.  I watched and was thankful I would never have to worry about not having formula around for my baby or a place to breast feed.  It's freeing.

There will be other obstacles ahead, but I don't know about them so I'm not worried about them.  It's the stuff I've already delt with that I can happily say I won't be dealing with in the future.....

famous last words, right?