Saturday, August 14, 2010


I decided I wanted to get more done in my day.... that's the short answer for why I am writing it down. The long answer is that I want to be able to look back at my progress. I want to force myself to get on here each day and write, if nothing else but "I didn't do it". I am hoping this procrastination can be pushed a bit further as I try to write about changing while actually staying the same, because let's be blunt, no one changes all that much...

Let's start with the list I've made for myself:

Walk the dog - seriously, this should be the easiest part of my day but you'd be surprised!
Exercise - I want to be 120 lbs! Ya right, let's instead take off the 40 I gained just having my daughter alone
Meditate - as a Buddhist I have lacked in this lately... perhaps it has to do with the fact my children are a toddler and a newborn?
Read - does it count if I read facebook?
Sew - this is something I hope will really stick, 45min of sewing or at least getting patterns ready to sew each day!

See, it seems simple, right? The husband gets home at 11pm and leaves for work at 11am (most days), so I'll be able to do this in the morning. After I've gotten 6hrs of sleep! That is of course if the baby only wakes up once in the night, which doesn't always happen. I could do this on 3hrs of sleep though? Right? Wish me luck, my internet Mistress!

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